This week truly kicks off the holiday season. It’s a season where holiday spirit comes in many forms. Often times, that spirit and true love is expressed through food
A team at Dairy Management Inc. studies food trends and works with social media influencers and agencies with culinary expertise to keep dairy top of mind with a diverse consumer audience
This back-to-school season, more students are meeting teachers who are prepared to accurately talk about the science behind dairy farming. That’s thanks to efforts led by dairy checkoff and agricultural...
Are you and your farm ready for a natural disaster or emergency? There is no way you can prepare your farm for every emergency in every way, but a little preparation can go a long way
A certain amount of stress can be motivating; it can drive us to take action. Unfortunately, too much stress leads to changes that impact our mind, our body, and our relationships with the people around...
Whether it is a tractor-loving toddler or a teenager who grew up in the inner city somewhere, we need young people of all backgrounds and ethnicities to be excited about agriculture and help feed the world
For Ken Main and Kenny Joe Manion of Copake, N.Y., success at the International Brown Swiss Show once again came from their winning Aged Cow and Senior Champion, Cutting Edge Thunder Faye